Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Crazy Skating Dreams

I want YOU to share your crazy skating dreams. The other night I had the weirdest dream that caused me all kinds of stress. Now I don't know about you, but I stay stressed enough in real life without having to be stressed in my dreams. So we are at this really big competition. I don't know if it was a big Open or supposed to be Regionals. But we were in this huge arena. It didn't look like any rink my daughter has ever done a competition at. It was more like a professional Hockey Arena. I'm stuck way up in the nosebleeds about as far away as possible as I can get from my child. Some of the competitions she has done have No Parent Zones. I'm SO not a fan of those. My daughter is down on the ice and the music begins to play. And she begins to skate. But the music isn't right. It is her music from 2 years ago. The length is just about a minute long from the level that she was in then. The music sounds different than her current music so not conducive to the moves (jumps, spins, spirals, etc) that she needs to be able to do. Think Cinderella, IMO a great cut of music, it ended with the actual ending with the music to "I'd rather rescue myself" (sans vocals which was good for current level but was allowed 2 years ago though it was cut without vocals per then coach's request). Because this is music she recognizes as 'hers' she begins skating. And skates program to music that's not long enough, not working with her current program. I'm hyperventilating up in the nosebleeds. And then running down the bleachers. I didn't think the judges would let her reskate as she didn't know it wasn't right. And because I wasn't even sure we had the right music at all.

Now what causes crazy dreams like that. The season has ended. We've been taking the off-season pretty relaxed this year with no shows or anything. There is a small competition that our rink is having at Christmas. The program is pretty much her old program from the Fall so no new cut of music or moves to learn. A few minor changes but nothing to stress over.

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