Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Well - I have a video from the Holiday competition that I really want to share. But I can't get it to play in our dvd players nor on my computer. So - I'm hoping I can get some technical help from my sister she's kind of good at that stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to share but even if she can help it will probably be after the holidays before I can post the video. At any rate, I wanted to wish anyone checking out the blog a Merry, Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah or whatever else you celebrate this season. And check back soon and you can see my baby fall down a LOT in her program. Its really, really cute. I don't think in over 4 years of competing she's ever fell that more than once in a competition. Trust me - its absolutely adorable. And it'll make you smile I promise. Such is life though - a series of falling down - and getting back up and moving forward. I noticed a poster at our rink some time ago that said "There's nothing like ice to teach children about standing on their own two feet." I was reminded of that poster as I watched her skate.
Happy Holidays to everyone.

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