Today was Field Day at Lexie's school. We didn't have Field Day when I was a kid - we had May Day. And apparently that is different. I always thought they were the same thing - they just changed what they called it??? I don't know.
So this morning I'm driving her into school. At the rink at 6am. At the store getting snacks for Field Day - and I have to have her at before school by 7:45 and me at work at 8:30... I was incredibly pressed for time. So during all that driving we're chatting away discussing which is better Field Day or May Day.
So as Lexie says "In the last century when you were in school" - as if the 80's were 100 years ago we had May Day. May Day starting with walking around a May Pole wrapping ribbons around it. And consisted of fun events we could sign up for - like 100 yard dash, broad jump, potato sack races, and hula hoop contests. And we got ribbons for the places that we got.
And Field Day they play outside, throw water balloons, and have centers. I said that doesn't sound like much fun. Lexie said May Day doesn't sound like much fun. It sounds like P.E. Nobody this century would think that is fun. I'm glad we have Field Day now instead of May Day. I told her I don't think I'd like her Field Day. Even as a kid I don't think I would've liked being hit by a water balloon - SO NOT my idea of fun. And this is how I tie this into skating. I asked her how she likes it when she does a skating competition and doesn't get a medal. I was equating that to not getting a ribbon at May Day. Lexie said, "I think you should just be happy you got to do the event and have fun doing it and not worry about having something to show for it." What a great answer. But I also know how much she cried and was so very upset those few times she didn't get a medal at a skating competition. Its not much fun.
So weigh in - what do you think? Field Day vs May Day? Is it a this century vs last century *cough cough*? Or is it where you live? What'd you do as a kid? Which do you think you'd like better?
On another note, Lexie got her yearbook yesterday. Melanie was pictured along with her classmates. And a beautiful "In memory of..." at the end of the yearbook. With this year drawing to a close its hard to not think of Melanie. Missing her Field Day today. Not going to third grade. And hard to not think of what those kids went through losing her. Next year, those kids will be in different classes some will probably be at different schools. The world moves on. Everything changes. Nothing lasts forever.