Wow. Today was a really short day - considering I had to spend 3 hours of it driving. We got to Greensboro around 2pm today. Lexie skated at 4pm. They did the awards at the 5pm ice cut. And we left shortly after that. We stopped and got dinner on the way home. And got home at 8pm. The couple who run the Tae Kwon Do studio that Lexie goes to afterschool at came to watch her skate. They also bought her a necklace with an ice skater on it. Which I thought was really nice. I bought a disposable camera (since my digital camera is unreliable) to take pictures at the competition. But it will probably be a while before I get them developed. I will post pictures then. And I also ordered the dvd. Generally, I think the dvds are way to expensive to buy but since she did such an amazing job. I just had to. She is my one-and-only the love of my life. Her coach said that she straight out rocked today. You know that's what I say - notice the name of my blog:) A lot of other spectators - people we didn't even know came up to say how great she did and congratulate her.
Are you wondering yet what place she got? 1st place (4/1). Woo hoo. The other skaters really skated well too. They were much older. I wish I could share my pictures now.
Only a few bummers from the trip. It poured down raining and hailing for nearly an hour of the drive back. I had to drive really slow. At times it felt we were never going to get home. And when we got back in the car from eating dinner rain got on one of her comic books I just bought her. Which I told her to leave at home anyway. And I got mad at her for messing up a pig-tail about 5 minutes before her warm-up. So I was really lucky that she skated well since I upset her really good right before she had to take the ice. Otherwise it was a great day. And I'm going to go curl up with my daughter now and watch Underdog neither of us have seen it yet.
Photos added...

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