Monday, March 24, 2008

A few tidbits.....

The switchover this morning could not have gone more smoothly. I was worried for nothing. She had amazing sitspins, decent camels, great loops & flips. A couple hands down and a fall on a few run-throughs with the lutz. But perfect right before a competition is dangerous. I covered that in the previous post. We'll see how the next couple of weeks pan out.

So how about those worlds? I started pulling for Canada. I've always like Joannie Rochette and Jeffrey Buttle. And when it looked like the USA was not getting a single medal. I was pulling for Canada. I'm not a fair weather fan. I still love Tanith & Ben and Kimmie Miesner and Ashley Wagner. And Johnny Weir. Congrats to Johnny Weir for the bronze medal. It just wasn't our (USA) year.

Prior to watching Worlds on Sunday... I was tuned into some March Madness. Did you see that game? Holy Sniikes.. (I was going to say salchow but it doesn't quite fit with the basketball). I almost missed it. I was flipping back from ESPN to CBS waiting for Worlds to start. And caught most of the second half of the Davidson - Georgetown game. Even if you don't like either of these two teams you have to admit that was an awesome game. Davidson was in my alma mater's Swim Conference - the Southern States Athletic Conference - and we held our Conference championships at guess where? Davidson. We swam against Georgetown too. I was pulling for my conference-mates. They won!! And I almost missed it. They said it was the first NCAA game Davidson had won since the 1960s. I hope you got to see some history being made yesterday - and not just UNC being whoever it was they beat by like 50 points or whatever. I was watching Worlds then.

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