We had my daughter's 8th birthday party today. She's so tiny so I have a little trouble thinking of her as growing up. That's my mom in the background. She's 5'2" Lex got her short genes. The party was at a local roller skating/ arcade/bowling alley/movie theatre place. She did roller skating and arcade for her birthday. My camera decided to stop working just as she went roller skating so I got no pictures of that. Also, I'm only posting the one picture here because I don't feel right posting pictures of other people's children on my blog. Isn't she adorable with the Hannah Montana cake -- and her eight candles? She had a sleepover last night which went amazingly well. Apparently if you don't have six kids at one time it isn't so bad. Go figure.
My other baby (I only have one biological kid so I mean my brother's oldest son Matt) is turning 19 tomorrow. One day they're little babies in your arms, the next they're running little cars up your legs like your knees are mountains and the next they are all grown up.
Where do the years go so fast? Lexie told me yesterday that I was the best mom in the whole world. Why I ask? Because I have to work harder than any other mom. I laugh. She wants to know why that is funny. Before I know it Lex will be 19 too... apparently it only gets harder.
happy belated b-day! sounds like a blast was had by all. i remember going to the roller rinks/arcades/whatever else they could fit in the building. they're dying out fast here in nj, kind of been a dying place to go for the past decade. i think in like a 100 mile radius, and that's a guess, there's 1 still standing, even bowling alleys are starting to become extinct, or they're just really falling apart and you don't want to go there!
y'now my blogger name doesn't seem to really fit when commenting on somebody's post of their 8 year old daughter-sorry!
I hadn't even thought about it. I don't know that they are really dying out. I think we outgrow places like that and forget about them but the younger generations don't. Though my work has a bowling league. I was never any good at bowling anyway. And since Lexie figure skates we spend most of our free time at the ice rink. Most of her friends can at least roller skate though. I didn't want to go the route of helping 4 or 5 of her friends stand up on ice this year. Been there done that & it kind of ruined her parties for me.
Happy Birthday Lexie!!! Wow 8 years old already!! Enjoy, Stephanie and Madison
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