Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spending some time with the family

I had a really great time spending the day with my family yesterday. I went to one of my cousin's weddings. My favorite cousin Jessie was matron-of-honor. We were really close when we were little kids up through high school but now mostly communicate through email. It was nice getting to see her. She looked absolutely gorgeous as matron-of-honor. After the wedding we headed over to my brother's house. They didn't go to the wedding. My sil, well she just had a baby so didn't exactly feel up to it. And I don't think my brother's too big on going to stuff like that without her. My brother cooked dinner for us. And the best part (well second best part) my brother sang three songs to me (us) and played his guitar. The thing I miss most not living with my brother anymore (its been 22 years) is being an audience to his singing on a daily basis. Now of course the best part was getting to hold my little nephew. I kind of hogged holding him most of the time I was there. Some of my brother's friends stopped by to see the baby and he took him from me to show him off. But I got him back. I forgot how heavy babies are. Its weird how you can workout and curl dumbbells that weigh three or four times a baby's weight yet they try the muscles when you're holding one for a couple of hours. Sorry I have no pictures. My flaky camera is currently not working. And my brother has one of those old-fashioned cameras that use film. Lexie spent most of the evening playing with her cousin Kellie. Hopefully my next visit I'll get some photos to share.

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