Friday, September 19, 2008

My Myspace - Kudos to Amy Marie for help hooking me up

I created my myspace page a few months ago but only did it get any traffic at all until a couple of weeks ago when my friend Amy helped me out with a few things. I was like myspace is useless and I got a response like you're not doing something right. And in the last 2 or 3 weeks I've found people I haven't seen in years. Man every last person in my friends on Myspace ROCKS. I have been so blessed over the course of my 31 years to have called some of the most amazing and wonderful people my friends. You know how in High School your friends are so important to you. More than just about than anything else like eating or sleeping or anything?? Do you? My high school friends and I tried so hard to stay in touch during college. And it worked for a few years. I even managed to keep in touch with some of them up until after my daughter was born. And now I'm getting reconnected. WOoo hoo. Oh my god and when I was in college. I was even friends with the world's coolest cheerleader. And he is my friend on myspace now. He used to stand guard outside the dorm so I could sneak out of Ervin. Buddy system... everybody standing at their stations to help me break curfew. Very important people. I was thinking about all kinds of things like that to say about the wonderful people on myspace and how much I love all of them. But I decided maybe that's a little bit personal or embarrassing. I'm sure they have their own stories they could tell of me. And maybe *I* might not find too amusing. I found my roommate from sophomore year on myspace the other day. It was the last year (or portion thereof) that I lived on campus before moving off-campus with my future ex-husband and his friend. She lived across the hall from me Freshman year. We were practically roommates freshman year as well. My first roommate Freshman year said I was arrogant, self-centered and impossible to live with. My second roommate freshman year lived locally but wanted the college experience so she was never there. Carrie and I became friends and picked each other for roommates sophomore year. We had our moments where it was hard to get along too though. I've found that its a lot easier for me to get along with people that i don't have to live with. I think that's my issue though. it is what it is.
Are you on my space yet? if so, check me out at rockstheice I still don't have a lot of 'friends' there yet. Which is part of why I can honestly say they are all awesome people

1 comment:

Heywood Jablomie said...

myspace can be VERY addicting! my girlfriend is like a junky with it.

while i don't really use it that much i'll send ya an add request-i have a few cool comic people in my friend list as well.